Background: Overweight and obesity together with oral health considered as public health issue. It is well known that obesity reduce the immunity, so it is important to know whether overweight/obesity have an impact on Candida albicans and oral health of children.
Aims: To compare Candida albicans colonization and oral health status in overweight/obese and normal weight children and to find if there is a relationship between Candida albicans colonization and oral health status in overweight/obese group.
Materials and Methods: In this comparative case control study sixty preschool children were selected and divided in to two groups overweight/obese group N=30 and normal weight group N=30. Candida albicans isolated and oral health measured by assessing dental caries using DMFS/dmfs index and plaque accumulation using Silness and Loe plaque index.
Results: There was a significant difference in C. albicans count between the two groups with high mean in overweight/obese group. For the component of oral health significant difference in DMFS/dmfs index and dental plaque index was found between overweight/obese and normal weight group. Finally, we found positive significant relationship between C. albicans and DMFS/dmfs and non-significant relationship between C. albicans and dental plaque index. Conclusion: Overweight/obesity not only has negative impact on the systemic health, it also affects the oral health by increasing the proportion of C. albicans colonization and dental caries development together with increased plaque accumulation.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2025 Abeer A. Yahya, Mais M. Almaeeni, Amaal Alnuaimy, Abbas S. Al-Mizraqchi, Faaiz Y. Alhamdani (Author)