Objectives: External Enhanced Counter pulsation is non-invasive therapy include putting external compressive sleeves for the calves, upper and lower thighs followed by consecutively blowing up them with beginning them from distally to proximally with time of heart cycle.this treatment modality used to treatment of refractory angina usually refers to as (equal or more than 3 months in duration) stable ischemic heart disease which cannot be regulated by a therapeutic treatment, surgical cardiac intervention, and where reversible cardiac ischemia has been stated to be the reason for the manifestation clinically.
Methods : A 91 patients with refractory angina pectoris un respond to treatment and/or intervention or unfit for intervention or surgery have been selected to enter in this study, all these persons had been selected from those patients visit the cardiology consult department in Al-najaf cardiac center or from private clinic from the period January 2018 to December 2019, all patients how been selected to enter in this study undergo coronary angiography through femoral access and those with 3 vessels diseased patients where significant coronary stenosis (> 70 %) in each vessel( by opinion of two specialist) have been enrolled in this study.
Results: Over 12 month’s period of the study, 91 persons were assessed including 32(35%) women and 59 (65%) men. The age range was 45 years to 80 years with the mean age range 61 years (SD ± 8.2), Most patients treated with 30 sessions with 1 hour per session on average of 26 (SD ± 7) session with response rate at end of sessions 88.7% where response mean improvement of symptom and according to (CCS) change per and post EECP.
We found no deference between PCI group and angiography only group in responding to EECP or improvement on echocardiographic parameter as it is not statistically significant (p-value = 0. 87, p-value = 0.47). The response to EECP was not statistically affected by sex (p-value = 0.185) and smoking history (p-value = 0.67). The age appears as not statistically significant (p-value < 0.26) in response rate of patients to EECP. Hypertension and diabetis appear to be non-effluence in response patients to EECP as it not statistically significant (p-value = 0.4 and 0.12) respectively.
Conclusion: EECP appear as safe effective therapy in selective patient with refractory angina not respond to medical and unfit for intervention or surgery.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2025 Ammar Jabbar Majeed, Yasseen Abdulruda Yasseen, Ali Yahya Abdullah Alsallami, Khalid Ibrahim Amber (Author)