Medicinal ethnobotanic study in the Population Center La Union District Sallique, Jaen – Peru


Medicinal ethnobotanical study in the Sallique district union

How to Cite

Medicinal ethnobotanic study in the Population Center La Union District Sallique, Jaen – Peru. (2025). African Journal of Biomedical Research, 28(1S), 674-683.


The objective of this research is to identify, systematize and characterize ethnobotanical species in the La Unión Population Center, Sallique district, Jaén - Peru. Information was recorded in the field by identifying people knowledgeable about the ethnobotanical knowledge of the locality, establishing direct dialogues and visits to nearby places to locate medicinal plants, information was obtained on the common name, used part of the plant, preparation methods, dosage, uses, among others. 50 species of ethnomedicinal use were identified, grouped into 42 genera and 30 botanical families, Asteraceae with 9 species (18%) being the most representative, followed by Lamiaceae with 4 species (8%); the most representative genera are Achyrocline and Myrcianthes with 3 species (6%) each. The parts of the plants used for treatment are roots, tubers, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and bark, prepared mostly by infusion and cooking, macerated with liquor, crushed, among others, the conditions treated mostly are respiratory infections, stomach infections, to lower fever, women's diseases, control hemorrhages, after childbirth, to treat urinary infections and kidney diseases. The 50 species were characterized, represented by botanical family, synonym, common name, morphological description, distribution and habitat, preparation methods, uses and dosage. 

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Leiwer Flores Flores, José Kalion Guerra Lu, Alexander Troya Gonzales, Fanny Vásquez Rubio, Darío Emiliano Medina Castro, Alan Guillermo Gallo Álvarez, Idda Brenda Vela Marin (Author)